



コリア語 金泯芝(キム・ミンジ)教頭先生




社会 金明佳(キム・ミョンガ)先生


Replacing Fear with Joy

英語  Ramaswamy Sandesh Rajanna 先生

Most people around the world, no matter their age or nationality, has heard or read some English in their lives. English is the most common language used throughout the world in business and recreation. However, many students can understand some English, but they don’t speak it. Why is this? Fear. English classes often punish students for making even small mistakes. Students also know what English should sound like – maybe they love watching English movies but they have trouble in conversation. It is strange that this attitude is common when learning a language. After all, no one starts perfect.
Imagine 2 situations. The first situation: a student starts playing baseball and makes mistakes. The student’s coaches and classmates yell and compare them to Shohei Otani. The student has seen Shohei Otani and feels ashamed that he isn’t as good as Otani.
The second situation: a student starts playing baseball and makes mistakes. The coaches and classmates instead encourage the student and congratulate them on trying their best. The student has seen Shohei Otani but doesn’t feel ashamed that he isn’t as good as Otani.
Which situation sounds better for the student to learn baseball in? At KIS, the English department strives for lessons like the second situation. Learning a language should be like a hobby that everyone can enjoy and improve at, no matter their skill level. Mistakes aren’t harshly punished, but are used to teach. By doing so, students can learn from their mistakes and eliminate their fear.
When students have no fear, they begin to find joy in using English. Hobbies that continue into adulthood are those which people enjoy. Likewise, if a student starts to enjoy English, they set themselves up for success and lifelong learning that will continue into adulthood as they join an increasingly globalized society.