~ おつかれさま!チームKISの5名! ~
2014年11月6・7日開催された、日本政府とユネスコ(国際連合)共催による、『ユネスコスクール世界大会 高校生フォーラム- UNESCO ASPnet International ESD Events for Students』の、≪共同宣言-Joint Declaration≫が完成しました!
この世界大会には、大会自体を企画し、運営するメンバーとして、チームKISこと、黄智苑さん(高等部1年)、姜尚潤くん(高等部2年)・都悠兆くん(高等部2年、当該チームのリーダー)、 邊廣烈くん・沈相宇くん(高等部3年)の、5名の本校生徒が参加しておりました。
※『UNESCO School世界大会』: 一昨年度の「日韓中3ヶ国国際高校生会議」、昨年度の「アジア太平洋地域8ヶ国国際高校生会議」に続き、今回は、世界33ヶ国(インド、バーレーン途中不参加)+9地域から高校生達が集結、“持続可能な発展(ESD)”を目指して課題を共有し,共に未来への提言と行動を提議するための国際フォーラム。
≪The Joint Declaration of
UNESCO ASPnet International ESD Events for Students and Teachers
Platform for Students≫
Adopted on November 7, 2014
People around world have been making huge efforts to solve both global and regional issues. It is true that societies have made good progress when it comes to wars, conflicts, the environment, culture, energy and food. However, today we still face many problems. For these reasons, we, as ASPnet high school students, are committed to learning from one another, taking into account our diverse regional backgrounds, with the aim of learning more about the world’s important issues.
We are now at the end of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which began in 2005. Throughout the past 10 years, we have learned the importance of mutual learning and of developing a shared attitude towards global issues. This has been achieved in the clear belief that Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is essential to the success of sustainable development around the world. As a result, it seems that the world is looking to us, the younger generation, to commit ourselves to solving these problems – now more than ever.
Today, in November 2014, we have come together here in Okayama City, Japan, as high school students from thirty-two nations, representing a new generation of ESD. Our discussions began with familiar issues under the themes of ‘What factors do we believe block sustainability in everyday life and society?’ and ‘What is important when it comes to promoting sustainability?’
Subsequently, we discussed what we mean by ‘development’, and here we agreed on the diversity of its applications. We shared the opinion that, as high school students, we need to take the lead in respecting the environment, our culture, ourtraditions, and other human beings – regardless of their age or where they live. We need to spread our ideas as widely as we can through a range of demonstrable activities and do this in a responsible way. To achieve our aims, we believe that it is important for us to start with small actions in our immediate vicinities. For example we can cooperate with our friends, promote recycling and participate in volunteer activities, all the while demonstrating to an increasing number of people the range of enjoyable opportunities that ESD provides. This will interest other people in ESD and in the younger generation as a result of our unique, creative projects. In short, we agreed there are many things we can do together.
Based on these discussions, we then exchanged opinions and ideas to explore what we, as high school students, can and should do now and in the future. Finally, we arrived at the following five conclusions:
1. We are not helpless but our abilities may be limited. However, we are keen to cooperate with each other, to make full use of the opportunities that exist for learning about sustainability, and to disseminate information on ESD.
2. We are conscious that every single one of us, as high school students, are human beings living on Earth. As such, we need to be conscious of the environment and the natural world around us. In the longer term, we need to take responsible actions in specific ways to encourage ESD where it is not yet taught in schools.
3. Each of us has a responsibility to share and respect a variety of lifestyles, cultures and opinions by fostering connections with each other so that we can promote mutual understanding and inspiration.
4. People need to learn how to connect or communicate with each other more, to know what peace and human rights are, and what the individual can achieve through education. This should consist of topics such as gender equality, human rights, peace, and awareness raising. In all of this, we need to be conscious of the important role that education plays.
5. Every one of us needs to be conscious of all the above-mentioned and make every effort to develop clear personal objectives.
1. 自分たちの力は無力ではないにせよ限られています。しかし共に助け合い、持続可能性について学び合う機会を大切にして、ESDについて発信していきましょう。
2. 私たち高校生は、一人ひとりが地球に生きる一員としての自覚を持ち、環境と周りの自然を意識していきましょう。長期的な視点にたって、学校でESDが教えられるようになるために責任ある行動を明確にとりましょう。
3. 私たち一人ひとりが責任をもって互いのつながりを育てることで、様々な生活様式と文化と意見を共 有して尊重しましょう。そうすることで、学び合いと知的な刺激を促進しましょう。
4. つながり合いとコミュニケーションを更に学ぶことで、平和と人権と、教育によって個人が成し遂げられるものを知りましょう。このことには男女平等と人権と平和と啓発が含まれます。これら全てにおいて、私たちは教育の果たす重要な役割を意識しましょう。
5. 上記の全てを私たち全員が意識して、個人の明確な目標を明らかにするよう全力を尽くしましょう。